Blueberry amaranth smoothie

Amaranth is a very rich source of protein and this protein is also highly bioavailable. Amaranth may boost immune function according to some studies, probably thanks to the potent vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

Blueberries contain tons of vitamin E and vitamin C; one serving gives you almost 25 percent of your daily value of vitamin C. Vitamin C is very good for your immune system and skin. Also blueberries contain antioxidants which work to neutralize free radicals.

2-DEEP Blueberry Smoothie (15)

Blueberry amaranth smoothie

400ml homemade almond milk (or any other milk you prefer)
100g / 1 cup Blueberries
3 tbsp rolled oats
4 tbsp popped Amaranth
1 tbsp walnuts
1 tbsp roasted hazelnuts
1 tsp flax seed
1/2 tsp ground vanilla
2 tbsp agave syrup or 2 dates


1tbsp matcha powder (for extra energy)

Mix all ingredients in a powerful mixer.
Depending on the strenght of your mixer you have to mix a little bit longer to chop the nuts very well.
Top with chopped pistachio and / or hazelnuts.

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