Buckwheat porridge

Oh, i felt in love with buckwheat! Buckwheat is one of the best source of high-quality, easily digestible Proteins. Buckwheat contains no gluten and is not a grain. So it is gluten free. You can make a buckwheat porridge so easily by soaking the buckwheat over night and mix it up in the morning. So less work in the morning. So good!

Great tipp: I add 1 tsp apple cider vinegar (ACV) to make the buckwheat more digestible.

I add also some mace powder in this Porridge to get a nice flavour.

Maca is rich in vitamin B vitamins, C, and E. It provides plenty of calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorous and amino acids. You need only a small quantity to enjoy the benefits of this healthy superfood.

Buchweizen Porridge

Buckwheat porridge

50g buckwheat, soaked over night
1 tsp apple cider vinegar
1 frozen banana
1 tsp hemp seed
2 dates
100ml almond milk (or any other milk)

 1 tsp maca powder

Drain and rinse the buchwheat carefully.
Mix the buckwheat together with the other ingredients until you get a creamy porridge.
Top with granola and fresh fruits of your choice. Enjoy!

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